Hey there Travellers! Still recovering form the holidays! Here are some quick updates of what is going on!

Artwork is The Ambassador from our Rise of Nyarlathotep game! It was done by Miyu. Yes I added a Santa hot on him.
- Holidays were great! We had a Christmas Special you can find on youtube here! and it was an absolute blast! If you like singing, chaos, and corporate horror then check it out!
- We are having a QA! We had a number of questions sent in already but if you want to ask any send them in to us on Twitter, balladofthsevendice@gmail.com, post them below, discord, whatever works!
- Community Beauty, our current audio drama we are running on Patreon, is wrapping up with episode 3
- Hamor Audio drama is coming up soon! That's the world Draxir came from, this will touch on events just before when Death Shift shows up!
- Thank you everyone who has supported us along the way. This has been a long and difficult year, but you have helped us tremendously by supporting the show! We can't wait to bring you more great Ballad content.
- Thank you Michelle, my wonderful and amazing spouse, for everything you've done for me. I love you so much, lets have a wonderful 2022 together!
I hope you all had a happy holidays and are having a terrific new year!
I bid you all adieu,